Stakeholder Engagement

A group of people standing in front of LNG Dual-Fuel Very Large Crude Carrier Eagle Vellore at a shipnaming ceremony

Strategic Partnerships

Our stakeholders are our essential partners and a key driver for the continued success of our business. By bringing together a diverse array of stakeholders from across the industry and across value chains, we can share and leverage knowledge, expertise, technologies, and financial resources. 

This empowers us to address complex challenges and determine how best we can create value in ways that align with our business objectives and sustainability agenda. We identify our key stakeholders based on their unique characteristics, level of involvement with AET and ability to have the potential to impact AET including those that are directly or indirectly impacted by AET’s operations and activities.

As part of our value generation process, a stakeholder-inclusive strategy and a structured stakeholder engagement methodology have been established

Group of AET staff sharing knowledge

Knowledge Sharing and Thought Leadership

We are actively participate in speaking engagements and panel discussions to share knowledge on Environment, Social and Governance matters as part of our sustainability journey. 

Having been at the forefront of investments in modern, energy-efficient assets to operate our business responsibly and efficiently while reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, we see the need to raise awareness among our industry peers about the urgency to accelerate efforts to meet the International Maritime Organization’s GHG emissions goals.

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